Workday Schedule
Created an application utilizing Moment.JS to create a workday scheduler that saves to local storage.
Full Stack Web Development
Hi, I'm Jesse Comeau.
I am currently a student in the Northwestern University Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp. I have a Bachlors degrees in Finance and Economics, along with a certificate in international business from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
I previously worked as a fraud supervisor at FIS, leading a team of 7 direct reports, while assisting with an offshore team comprising of more than 30 individuals in monitoring our hundreds of client's EPP transaction for potentially fraudulent activity. While working closely with our devops, service delivery, product managers, and development teams, I recognized a passion for development and needed to explore a new opportunity.
Created an application utilizing Moment.JS to create a workday scheduler that saves to local storage.
Created an application that displays a forecast of the weather using the OpenWeather API.
The team used three different APIs(Open Weather, Open brewey DB, and Documenu) to convert the user's Zipcode to Latitude/Longitude coordinates, then retreive nearby breweries and Mexican restaurants. Each of the returned results displays the business name, address, website(if available) in addition to brewery categories and restaurant menus.
Personal Contribution - Owned and implemented the Javascript API integration of the OpenBrewery API. Assisted with the initial implementation of the HTML and CSS, along with generating the template literal.
The team utilized Node/Express, Sequilize/MySQL, Handlebars, AWS S3, Multer, and the Tailwinds CLI to create an application to track personal collections and get inspired recent items added by others on the home page.
Personal Contribution - Designed the base layout of the pages utilizes tailwind components. Implemented modals. Created models and routes for the backend. Utilizing handlebars on various pages and elements. Created the static about us page. Maintained Heroku deployments.
Created an application that utilizes Express to add/delete notation from a stored db.
Created a wordpress style site utilizing Node, Express, and a SQL database incorporating user signup/login and cookies.
Deployed to Heroku utilizing Jaws DB for the backend database.
Full Stack Mern application utilizing Node/Express, MongoDB, Apollo, React/React-Router, JWT, and the Bootstrap CDN to create an application to track personal board game collections and initiate and schedule board game events with friends.
Personal Contribution - Created and imlemented models/typeDefs/Resolvers on the backend and linked to the front end. Maintained queries and mutations to deliver what was required on the front end, while mimimizing unnecessary data. Maintained consistent heroku deploys. Input validation and authentication. Styling on multiple pages, and much of the functionality on the dashboard view.
Personal additions to the project after submission. Utilizing additional time to
Progressive Web Application utilizing indexDB, local storage and a service worker.
A Full Stack MERN utilizing Application utilizing React, MongoDB and graphQL APIs. Utilizes locally stored data to reduce redundancy in titles.